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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cabinet reshuffle is welcome news

I AM happy to read that there will be a Cabinet reshuffle.  The Prime Minister should replace the Minister for Justice and Attorney General because he has made the Department of Justice into a legal joke. 

The name of the Department sounds good but there is little to show for it.

The bosses of the Department just dress smart, drive new cars at the tax payers' expense and play pokies at places like the Yacht Club and are never at work.

I am an ex-serviceman who is frustrated at the service we get from the department.  Our matter is with the Solicitor General's office.  But the Solicitor General never attends to us and never goes to court.  He will make appointments and then he will not be available.  What is the department paying him for?
But he was appointed by the Attorney General.  This is the same lawyer that Cabinet directed the Attorney General to terminate.  The department terminated him but the Attorney General brought him back. 

Meanwhile, our case is still there.

The Attorney General has nothing better to do and is wasting his time on Hitelai Polume.  She already resigned so leave her alone.  She is a good person and although she was threatened by some of our members, sh continued to do her job.  The Solicitor General and the lawyer now handling our matter are just slack and always look for excuses.

Maybe it is time Cabinet also appointed the Solicitor General and State Solicitor.  At the moment these people act like they are above over creator in heaven.

One very good reason to replace the Attorney General is because he does not seem to care about the PNG LNG project.  There are too many court cases and injunctions.  I wrote a letter questioning whether InterOil had certified their gas, then I read the papers and the Attorney General, who is acting Governor General, is pictured happily witnessing the agreement for InterOil.

The people of Gulf stand to benefit from the proposed InterOil project but if people like the Attorney General do not do their job properly or do not care then we the little people pay the price for it.  Is the Attorney General advising the Cabinet on this?

There is no Gulf MP who is a lawyer so my dear Prime Minister, you can appoint someone else as Minister for Justice and Attorney General.

Koivi Akia
Port Moresby

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