Letters & Opinions

Welcome to the Letters & Opinions section. After reading them please don't forget to drop us comments on each of the opinions expressed.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

MRA is the threat

THE STORY "Mercenaries threat" (Sunday Chronicle, Sunday, January 24,2010, P2), is a good lead story but is not a correct way to address the issue of unregulated mining in PNG including Simberi.

With due respect to Sir Julius Chan, Simberi mine is another victim of MRA.

I have said it on many occasions in the last four years that MRA is unconstitutional and operating illegally.  It means MRA has no legal standing and competence to regulate all mines in PNG.

Simberi is only waking up to reality.  This time truth about MRA is getting to the miners.
Taking on MRA head on is the only way PNG will win.  Not by courting and working with MRA. 
Rest assured of more MRA-induced troubles ahead so long as PNG leaders continue to be deaf and dumb.

James Wanjik
Port Moresby.

Your letter from Harie Igini Doma Peaks last week needs a reply.

OBAMA as Huli wig man, but portrayed as African witch doctor.
From the letter this gentlemen is an educated elite, hiding behind a political leader, could have benefited from recent millions of MOA funds, when the same was praising an NGI NA party leader.

Hela has certain tribes and clans responsible for the greater Hela.., namely; Hiliwa Mugu Himugu sons at pepe yemite, Juha Wara Labiligo sons at Kiliwabe PDL 7, Kolopa Koli sons, Tali Lapaya sons, Pipa Rai sons at Mbipe Paite (Pogera) Yalirima Alu Tayu sons at Ira Kelo (Irai Agau) and others.

My clan land boundaries is created by river Tagali and hanimu starts at Mt. Ilu, PDL 1 follows the ridges to Mt. Tali Alubura to river Nagia and joins with the river Tagali at Huburu village. My father was there at the time, when we survived only on steams, and later fed on Ira kopa, and on Taro. Our Taro farms were in Huku Humburu valley. Sweet potato was recently introduced.

As original principal land owing son of Ira kelo Kepali of Puria igini land area, I know the clans that come from my fathers daughters and those my fathers have given shelter, when they were refugees. If you Hare is from my area, you got your selves into a curse.

If you are from another area, the current media release on Obama in Huli wigman has an African witch doctor has signatures of the following leaders. Mathew Habe, Hela Jimmy Yaga, Peter Honale, Agibe Kengi, Peter Oureni, Lemson Mapiria, Amaya Ola, Alfred Kaiabe, Aigilo Kunini, Handa Haguai, William Bando, Andigi Aluya and our members of Parliament are being briefed.

For your comment we are wasting our hard earned cash, yes, we have been spending since 1972, now you have the Hela Province, people like the above have been burning their hard earned cash and you can get the glory, Hare son.

As for your interest in the Peri project. I invite you to investigate the current millions of MOA funds and see what projects are working, and also see the MP that registered the Heritage consultancy company and see who the directors are.

The following Hela elites were given first in 1997 K70, 000.00 to make submissions fro various projects for Hela, namely Late A Tatabe LLB. Late Mark Mandibi, and those of us now here, namely Johnson Tia, Andrew Irabu, Peter Pokoriya, Baro Pari Matthew HAbe, John Lando Himugu and dmyself. Half of the funds were used to buy the vehicle I now use, and rest was shared amongst the above to make relevant proposals to develop Hela. Governor Agiru paid another K50, 000.00 later to the group.

It was my submission for the Hela cultural Heritage development centre at Peri.
Governor Agiru gave a lot of funds to various organization to do survey and design. The project design is complete, it will cost K10 million to build. The delay was because clans could not settle ownership in time and governor Agiru dismissed by the Leadership Tribunal.

I had an outstanding claim of K12, 000.00 from that project, Ambua check point and Koroba Sports Stadium project. I gave the claim to one of the key Koroba man in Mendi in 1997 to put up the claim, later found out that he changes my name and got him paid as the claimant. May you Hare son resubmit it for me? As for your comment on Peri culture centre, yes that was my intellectual property.

See if Hare's son can explain whose face is of the Huli wigman that appears that appears on the K50 note and how that got there.

Obama was Huli wigman, African witch doctor poster was used in the big protest march in Washington DC, billions have seen it on CNN and in the internet.

The man who did it wants to apologize and we see it as a bilateral issue. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Culture and tourism have given positive responses and are addressing as such. Mind you, Paya Kakanalu is not an African witch doctor but Papua New Guinean.

It is very clear that you Hare son may not be from Hela, you may be barren but those of us who value our heritage are very concerned for our children, for that stigma as African witch doctor.

Please share some of your wealth before it becomes a huge dug heap and soon claim your life. Next time use my name properly, time you baby yet I was fighting for Hela.

Yalitima Damien 4 ipawi Arabagali
Special Facilitator Hela Province
Chief Hela Gimbu Association


The old story versus the new

 THE old story of HIV/AIDS told of the virus entering the body, attacking white blood cells, causing a drop in CD4 count, rise in HIV, increase in opportunistic infections and death.

The new story is more complex and needs to be clearly understood. HIV enters the lymph system and blood, attacks and causes breakdown of gut lining, slows absorption of nutrients, water and salts and changes the water-salt balance.

HIV slows the replenishment and nourishment of cells and tissues, allows entry of waste and HIV into the blood / brain, slowly depletes supplies of protein and glucose and causes a change in the pH of body tissues.

The body is saved if the virus is stopped in the blood and lymph system. Then the attack on the gut lining will cease, giving the gut lining the chance to partly mend and allow restoration of nutrients, salts, water to body systems through the blood. A water-salt balance will be restored. The body returns partly to normal with strict adherence to the ARV regime of treatment.

The HIV will still remain in the lymph hiding places of the spleen, thymus, long bones and lymph nodes. If the sufferer is taking ARV and stops, there will be a massive outpouring of the virus from hiding places and the sufferer will die. A partly mended gut will be obliterated for a second fatal time. Viral waste will flood again into the blood and brain. The sufferer will not survive.

But the sufferer can live long with peace, love, no stress, clean water, nutritious food that will build up the body by absorption through the gut lining, exercise with no smoking and no drinking alcohol.

Meat diet will bring harmful bacteria to damage the blood. Fruit and vegetables will bring helpful bacteria that will not harm the body through the damaged gut lining. So a non-harmful bacteria colony in the gut will keep the body safe for a number of years.

Positive Living can help the sufferer to live a healthy life for 10-12 years. If the world can not afford free ARV, then sufferers and families have to settle for a life span of 10-12 years. It is a matter of what can be afforded at a national or international level.

PLWHA of nations can no longer bully their Government into supplying ARV as we saw in South Africa a decade ago. The Mbeki government did not have its act together at the time. All they talked about was nutrition.

PNG can talk on a holistic concept of Positive Living. Those living with HIV and AIDS will have a total way of life to go on with - ARV or no ARV. Their life span will be reduced compared to those on ARV. But they will live.

During the Black Death of the Middle Ages, families infected on Monday were dead by Friday. We count our blessings.

Bruce Copeland
Port Moresby

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our patience is running out

ON BEHALF of the silent majority of the ex-servicemen of the PNGDF, we would like the nation to know how our government of the day and its agents and authorities are treating us in solving our outstanding court cases and out of court settlements in our entitlements.

We believe strongly here that initially the problems of our entitlements were created by the Government (Defence Department) thus bringing us this far to have it sorted out.

We have lost a lot of our comrades (they are dead) in this very dreadful journey to have our respective matters solved through our court system and the Attorney General's office.  This process and procedures take by all concerned  bodies are very slow thus have left us with no option.  We have lost patience already.

We are now very frustrated and are on the verge of taking the law into our own hands purely to retrieve our lousy entitlements.  Our representatives or spokesmen that are dealing with the government agents and authorities are soft, friendly and have forgotten about our long term patience.

We are now into another year and the next month will be February and school will start. When will we be assured on our payments?  We have been promised many times and our whole struggle has become a cargo cult activity.

Be warned here that when we left the PNGDF we left everything behind, however, we still have our combat experience and skills fresh in us until we die.  We do not want to be forced or provoked to do things that we have never ever done.

Could those concerned government agents and authorities address our concerns ASAP?

Joe Bapi

More counter cropping needed in NCD

I watch the NCD Program every Sunday on Kundu 2 and I see that some people back up and support the NCD Governor to deliver various projects throughout the City. The engineering team and the management should really be praised highly as they work tirelessly behind the scene to realize the entire project we see in our city come to fruition.

One of the engineers voiced concerns about people making gardens on the hillsides.  When it rains the soil and debris fill the gutters and the floods go on the roads and through residential areas causing havoc.

This is my suggestion; they must tell the gardeners to do counter cropping on the hills or tell them to stop altogether as NCD is wasting money clearing all the blocked drains every time after rain and they are even cutting trees on the hills for firewood and build settlements which must be stopped.

Governor, you have a solid concerned management team as we can see changes. Keep it up. One reminder only, please come around to Gerehu Stage one area and allow your team to clear up all the waterways so when it rains  water can flow through the drain. Right now, we have residences flooding as the rain water just goes through every home downhill that stand in the way. Some of us residents have tried to dig up but is not helping at all.

Hare Igini
Gerehu Stage 1

Tiensten should be retained, Grand Chief

THE East New Britain NA branch has decided to appoint a new leader amid speculations within NGI NA block. While it is a matter that Tiensten has not provided leadership for the last two years I feel compelled to air my views to our grand Chief Somare.

I am not a relative or have anything to do with Mr Tiensten but you have young and educated elites in your team of Ministers whom you have groomed well and by now they know the Government system in this country. Mr. Tiensten has seven years experience and has full knowledge of the pros and cons of dealing with the ministry and the department he has managed.

I was once upon a time a manager appointed and first I did know most system structures in that organization but as time went on, I was fully versed on the effectiveness and efficiency in managing the system.

While it is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to listen to NGI block, please check the background facts to ascertain those claims. If he has broken the law, then simply refer him to the Ombudsman Commission or fraud squad.  If it is petty politics, then simply Grand Chief, what a father would do and bring them to a round table and reprimand them to fix the communication barrier that is in NGI.

We cannot afford to remove a guy who had done well in the last seven years and replace him with another guy who will take another seven years to learn to manage National Planning.

The Correctional Services Ministry should be given to Fidelis Semoso as his background qualifications relevant to that Ministry and sack Tony Aimo who is slack.

Hare Igini
Doma Peak, Hela  

See the positive aspect of Obama picture

BEFORE Hela Gimbu Association chairman and his team waste their hard earned money for some unprofitable trip to the USA, let me remind them:

As an educated Hela citizen and promoter of Hela Culture, I see that this portrayal has a more positive outcome. Damien was given a substantial amount of money to set up a "Peri Cultural Centre" in Tari and he should have done that job to promote local and international tourism. Hela wig men portrayal was worthwhile through internet access and by now more people would want to come to PNG to see that wig men. 
After oil and gas are gone we can maintain internal revenue flowing from tourism.

The potential is great in Hela. There are places like the famous Beaver Falls, The Mt. Bosavi ecotourism potential, the Hela wig growing and bachelor initiation and the famous Mali dance among the many. Instead of seeing and coming up with something creative that would generate an income, Damien and his mobs think that they can go seek an apology from "Tea Party Team" and Obama.

Damien must know that Tea Party Team is not a formal organization where by going to USA you will find who is member among the 50 million Americans. Tea Party means a collective of people who happen to meet in a hotel lobby and discuss a range of issues over a cup of tea or few beers and it is an informal gathering and they discuss their opinion and that's all. So from that idea a creative artist has come up with that picture. Does he/she need apologize?

It is just Damien and his team of Huli men that frequent Holiday Inn Hotel cafeteria talk about their governor, MP or the gas project.  So really they don't come up with any resolutions but once all their hot air is gone after countless hours at the cafeteria, they go home.

Tea party in USA was that kind of opinion and we should be thankful that a Hela wig man is now world famous because one of the  world's most powerful men was dressed in our world famous finery. We know Obama cannot apologize a he was portrayed by that tea party mob.

In order to preserve the culture as you have stated, you had better tell your wantoks like Ivan Homogo and Joseph Tangi who unnecessarily dress up every day in public places to stop and dress up only on special occasions so the Hela culture's taste and vigor are maintained. Every other ethnic group loves their culture and love to dress and move around but they only do it on occasions. You should promote and preserve and not create some unnecessary publicity stunt.

Finally I advise you to simply approach the US embassy and allow the ambassador put the wig men picture on a new Hela website to send to the entire world; they must come to the last frontier and see the real wig men and I guarantee you; an influx of tourists from USA and other places would be flooding Hela. Then you will be satisfied that the "Peri Culture Centre" that is yet to be established is started and makes money for Hela instead of hunting some wild goose in the plains of Washington DC.

Hare Igini
Doma Peaks, Hela Province  

Papua needs new political leaders

PAPUA needs new honest political leaders,  not the compromised bunch with the NA now. All Papuan MPs must now join forces with the New Guinea Islands and those few honest Highlands and Momase politicians to form a new group to challenge the current corrupt mob in Parliament.

This is why Papuans support Bougainvilleans in their quest and also want a new Papuan political order for the following reasons:
• The current political system is corrupt, unfair and has failed to live up to Papua's aspirations and expectations since independence;
• Papuans want fair distribution of its resources and equal opportunity in developing their region;
• The government and authorities have deliberately turned a blind eye to problems facing the local inhabitants of Port Moresby, Central and the other Papuan provinces;
• Massive and spreading non-Papuan squatter settlements on traditional lands in Port Moresby and Central province (and also other Papuan provinces):
  • Deliberate manipulation of the electoral system mainly by non-Papuan primitive people to put their crook members in the political and public service system;
  • Deliberate targeting and raping of Papuan womenfolk with impunity, even in broad daylight by people taking over the capital city;
  • These same groups of people are also committing most of the crimes in the city;
  • The markets in the city have become total exclusive zones by particular ethnic groups making it almost impossible for the local people and other Papuans to enjoy our rights to our land;
  • Population growth and movement into the capital city and Central Province by aggressive non-Papuans who now introduce their primitive cultural practices of tribal fights, pay-back killings, the ridiculous massive compensation demands and rapid spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that is now a direct threat to the peaceful and civilized nature of the Papuan society, and cultural practices.
PNG will never be a united country with these ethnic groups' presence and continuous destructive tribal activities so politics will also be corrupt now threatening future Papuan generations in their own land. The bottom-line now is a separate, peaceful and safe Papua society. Papuans must all stand up now and demand full autonomy like Bougainville now using any means available.

Papua Tauna Natuna

New Defence Commander has a big task ahead

THE PNG Defence Force has a new Commander and General.  He is infantry Colonel Francis Agwi and former Chief of Defence Intelligence who replaces Commodore Peter Ilau after two tours of duty (2001 - 2009).

Congratulations to General Agwi on his new command appointment and farewell to Commodore Ilau and bon voyage and safe passage to him and his family to their future destination.

While Prime Minister Somare and his big entourage were attending the Copenhagen climate change conference, the National Executive Council (NEC) appointed a new defence commander. The new command changes comes just four days before Christmas and twelve weeks after the tour of duty of Commodore Peter Ilau expired in early October 2009.  Since then, the commodore has been on an acting capacity until Monday 21st December 2009.

In addition, Cabinet also appoints another senior infantry officer as the Chief of Staff to the Force commander.  He is Colonel Tokam Kanene who is presently the Defence Advisor within the PNG High Commission in Djakarta, Indonesia.  Colonel Kanene comes from the Simbu Province in the Highlands.  
Former Commander Ilau was appointed as Defence Commander in October 2001 by a new Government in office under former Prime Minister, Sir Mekere Morauta.  The Defence boss was politically directed to cull the force manpower strength to 2,000, and de-mob the rest by December 2001 under a very controversial one-time reduction program.

What followed was a total national debacle and disgrace to loyal servicemen who dedicated their whole life to their country's military before and after Independence.  The whole political exercise was virtually an administrative nightmare for many long serving servicemen and their families for over eight years.  Many servicemen have not received their full payout service entitlements to this day. 

Many complaints by ex-servicemen still stranded in the barracks and bases, and in the community are falling on deaf ears.  Many servicemen have passed on while still waiting to be paid leaving their immediate families destitute in the cities and towns.  These families need money to be properly repatriated to their provincial villages.

The government seems oblivious to their plight.  Maybe the next government in 2012 will do something to resolve this situation.  Many more ex-servicemen will die while waiting.  The list of destitute ex-military families grows with many children dropping out of the education system to joining the unemployment ranks as military widows can not afford today's high school fees.   These military families have been failed by the system.  Governments have done them a great disservice.

As a result of the forced reduction of service personnel in 2001, all three PNGDF elements now comprise of hollow operational units.  This must now be fixed by the new PNGDF commander.   General Agwi will have an almost impossible job as he takes over a grossly underfunded, undermanned and a demoralized force. 

These are most trying times for this once proud national icon, as defence and national security seems to be not a top priority for the PNG government.  The present political regime has unfortunately shown its ignorance and apathy about improving PNG's national security situation for a long time.
Commander Agwi in his new role must see that some good basic changes be made to a force that needs a better deal.  The new commander will no doubt have his hands full to whip the present military into top shape and form. 
 This can be done if the new general resists the temptations of all predecessors not to take too many unnecessary 'out-of-town' overseas trips, and have a completely new 'no-nonsense command team to help him.
  A new good command team is an absolutely must.  It will ensure the Commander's Intent and Mission is not unduely compromised and carried out without fear or favour by fully committed, dedicated officers and subordinates.  This is the only way to make the PNGDF really work to the expectations of the people. 

Commander Agwi needs to put his job on the line by ensuring the PNGDF is not maintained as a mere 'paper tiger", but a true national force.  The PNGDF must now be made into a strong force.

To achieve his new defence mission, General Agwi must tell his government and the beauracracy to 'put up, or shut up'.  The government has two choices: give the defence force what it needs now or scrap it. 

Reginald Renagi
The Big Smoke

LNG - just another big bang product

EVERYONE is talking non-stop about the great benefits of the LNG project and what blessings it will bestow upon the poor people of PNG.  Yeah, big deal all right. As usual it's all big talk from the government.  As usual there will not be any real sustainable 'trickle-down' effect for the grassroots and the poor resource owners. 
Apart from the little benefits to the resource owners and ordinary Papua New Guineans, and as has happened many times before - everyone in the food chain: local, provincial, national governments and their corrupt cronies, a dysfunctional public service, foreign investors, carpetbaggers and many special interests will get a piece of the action (or fingers in the cookie jar) for the ordinary people to benefit from their plundered resources.

This will further increase the future prospects of grand political corruption levels in PNG.  We will continuously see more local member's pork-barreling pet projects sprouting up all over the country.  The greedy 'pollies' will continue to fill their pockets.  More wanton plundering of the people's resources by those they mandate to lead and govern this country.

Today's PNG MP has unfortunately and unashamedly become a greedy despot.  He has self appointed himself to become his people's very own bank manager, funds loans officer, multi-project manager and general carpetbagger in his local domain.  He will give out cash and other goods 'willy-nilly' and won't invest the time needed to be fully committed to making good laws in parliament to protect his country's natural resources.

Until some very senior MPs are jailed behind bars than maybe, a very big maybe; that PNG political corruption levels may abate a little as the message sinks in.  The politicians and other unscrupulous people selling the country's resources off to foreign, and other special interests must be legally convicted.  The Melanesian culture of being publicly shamed by being locked away in the 'kallabus' for a very long time might do the trick.

While the LNG looks a big bang product every man and his dog is really going at it in a feeding frenzy.  The nation is being inundated daily with mass media information overload of what a great blessing this LNG is to PNG and its people that the prime minister and his government has ignored are the real basics to fix the daily survival needs of our poor villager languishing in rural PNG.

The poor rural villager is now very much caught up in this all confusing euphoria through much media hype.  The people do not really understand just what hell is all this excitement being generated about by certain politicians, and made worse by the constant BS preaching of the CEO PNG Inc.

The fact is that the people will suffer more from the many negative effects of this mad rush to fast track the LNG project.  This is being done at the people's expense as the real problems of PNG are not being addressed at all by the prime minister and his government.

Many people are so fed up by now that they now looking forward to 2012 and want to see the crooks thrown out of the 'haus tambaran" by the real people of PNG. 

Reginald Renagi
Port Moresby

PNG must now take up the West Papua issue with UN

THE PNG government must now take up the issue of West Papua with the UN.  PNG must not sweep this long outstanding issue concerning the Melanesian Papuans under the mat. 

The Australian and the Indonesian governments also need to be brought into this three way negotiation on what can we do now for the people of West Papua.

The so-called 'Act of Free Choice' was a total farce by Indonesia to annex West Papua and subjugate its indigenous Melanesian people.

This act was a violation of West Papua's legal right to self-determination, a violation of the 'sacred trust' under Article 73 of the UN Charter and a breach of Indonesia's treaty obligations under the UN Charter and the New York Agreement. This action cannot justify Indonesian sovereignty over West Papua.

The struggle for West Papua 'self determination' will continue whether Indonesia likes it or not. Many more of our Melanesian people will die in future. The Papuans are fighting for their future survival. Countries like Australia and PNG are afraid of Indonesian aggression.

Tragically, West Papuans have been made a sacrificial lamb by the criminal acts of the Indonesian authorities, aided and abetted by a weak-willed United Nations. It is very sad and unfortunate that, with her great influence and clout in the international arena, all Australia can muster is to watch by helplessly from the sidelines.

Australia in future will continue to wonder just what she could do to help the West Papuans (ditto for PNG) without upsetting Indonesia. It clearly failed to do anything in East Timor, so why should it be any different now.

Does Australia care? Not really, but anything to do with West Papua and its people should be in her national interest. This sticky issue will not go away for Australia, Indonesia and PNG, and a middle ground must be found.

The plebiscite took place sometime between 14 July and 2 August 1969; the Indonesian government holding its so-called 'Act of Free Choice' in West Papua.  Indonesian authorities took 1,022 Papuan tribal representatives to eight locations - one for each region of West Papua: Merauke, Jayawijaya, Paniai, Fak-Fak, Sorong, Manokwari, Cenderawasih and Jayapura.

Many Papuans walked from very remote areas for three days to their designated locations leaving behind their wives and children in the 'care of the Indonesian government'. These 1,022 Papuans were given two choices: either remain with Indonesia or sever ties with Indonesia, and become an independent state like PNG.
What resulted from this rigged political event is now history. But the question still remains: what does the UN and the Australia and PNG governments hope to do about the West Papua issue?

Indonesia is not going to let go of West Papua easily as it wants to own this very resource rich part of the New Guinea island as part of the republic. Additionally, any future negotiations will prove very difficult with the transmigration program going on for many years now to redistribute its growing population eastward towards PNG.

This is another foreign policy challenge for Australia and PNG. China is a distraction now. But PNG must be always on guard, and keep watch over its western border at the going down of the sun, lest it be surprised one fine day.

Will Australia come to her aid in future? Who knows?  This should be a big worry for Prime Minister Michael Somare who's about to leave the political scene one of these days soon. Prime Minister let us also put this issue on our discussion agenda with Secretary of State, Mrs. Hillary Clinton when she visits PNG later on this year.

Reginald Renagi

Pastor too quick to criticise

IN HIS haste to criticize the Motu-Koita Assembly, Ps Eric Laho has made a real blunder. While he has freedom of expression, he is an ethnic Kerema man from the Gulf Province, living on Motu-Koita land within the MKA boundaries.

Pastor Eric Laho should not be critical in a public forum of the people and authority that tends to the welfare of thousands of his family members and relatives.

The Motu-Koita Assembly is the only authority that tends to the daily needs of its over 50, 000 people living within its jurisdiction, as the Local Level Government.

Let me remind Pastor Eric of some of the assistance MKA renders to and will continue to render to its people.
  • The MKA has undertaken a school subsidy policy to ease the burden of school fees on Motu-Koita families.
  • The MKA shares the grief of its people by assisting with coffins and finance at times of death in the families.
  • The MKA has carried a major concern with Eda Ranu which resulted in improved water services to the MKA villages.
  • The MKA in partnership with the PNG Power is upgrading the power supply to MKA villages starting with the upgrade of Transformers at Elevala Village.
  • The MKA provide a village cleaning subcontract to ordinary villagers to gain financial assistance through minor works program.
  • The MKA through its elected members provides direct small cash assistance to its needy people, the under privileged from time to time.
  • The MKA has taken its premier event, The Hiri Moale Festival to the Motu and Koitabu villages of the NCD and Central Province at great cost.
  • And finally, the MKA is planning to build two mini Hospitals in the East and West MKA Electorate as soon as appropriate land is identified.
The MKA Elected members live in their respective electorates in the villages. Their daily lives revolve around their people. They have a very direct contact point with their people. So they cannot be accused of not being on the same level as the people.

A word of advice to Pastor Eric and others who may feel inclined to openly criticize our Motu-Koita Assembly: Please make a meaningfully contribution to the MKA by sharing your vast knowledge with your duly elected member for the betterment of our people. I am inviting you to visit the MKA office, since the MKA really needs its bright citizens to assist it in its quest to improve the lot of our 50, 000 people.
Thomas. G. Willie
Chief of Staff,  MKA

Appoint new PNGIPA chairman

PLEASE allow me to voice my grave concern as a citizen about the collapse of the once premier training institute for the public sector workforce in this country, though, the Minister for Public Service has appointed the new chairman to provide direction and leadership.

The institute was rejuvenated in 2006 under the directorship of Mr Yala Yatu who has provided much direction and leadership. He developed a workable corporate plan that has guided him and his management team. Some of the effects of the plan were improvements of the training facilities, student and staff accommodations that had been rundown, recruitment of best qualified staff members through external recruitment and graduate development program, just to highlight a few of his achievements within three years of his contract term.

Some of the cases under the current administration are:
  • Delay in the appointment of the PNGIPA Council Members and the substantive Director of the Institute for the stability and continuity of the institute's progression;
  • Some of the experienced and qualified staff members have resigned;
  • The Institute has possessed and disposed properties and assets such as motor vehicles without the approval of the council, contravening the PNGIPA Act;
  • There was no 2009 graduation and certification of students due to no governing council;
  • Terminated, suspended and retrenched staff members have been re-employed.
These are some of the issues at the institute and the Government should intervene through the Minister for Public Service to avoid further deterioration of the pride of PNG public service.

Concerned citizen
Port Moresby

Friday, January 15, 2010

Peter Yama deserves payment from MVIL

IF IT was a mismanagement of public accounts or corruption dated back when Mr Yama was a Parliamentary leader then it should not have been the talk of the simple person of Madang and PNG because corruption seems to be rooted and is normal news.  Leaders are subject to the leadership tribunal and escape to darkness.

The actions of those prominent nationals involved to prevent the money he deserves from MVIL;  those including former lawyers of the Department of Finance and Treasury and the Attorney General now with the PNG Judiciary must be ashamed of themselves.  You have just wasted ten years and are now rushing to the court with documents containing accusations against Mr Yama before the National Court to stop the K7.6 million payments. The judge/s who presided over this case is/are not stupid to be served with such documents without records.

Peter Yama is a respected businessman and a reputable leader for the people of Madang and the simple people of PNG. The Ombudsmen commission will not have a record of the former member having been in a corrupt deal to become overnight millionaire as those others that are implicated.

Foreigners' and big time crooks who conspire with others to pervert the course of justice and falsify documents to discredit his name and company must come down and play real with proper record presentation. The laws come in different forms through different directions and must be interpreted with a logical argument or else BSP must be prepared to face another court battle with YSS. 
Jerry Tandawai
Tokarara Buai Market

Shameful Request by Engans

DURING the closing stages of the LBSA at Nogoli, an Enagan walked to the podium and made a brief request to landowners there that the Hela Opone brothers as blood brother must share their wealth with them. He was one of the many Engans picked up on the streets of Port Moresby to facilitate the forum but the landowners did not require their services. 

In response Chris Haiveta, the facilitator replied and said, Your Hela brothers gave you Gas powered energy to get your gold at Porgera, in the last 20 years and did you think of those brothers or forget your Huli brothers?

And when the Political situation in SHP turned fearsome, the only brothers living along Kandep all the way to Laiagam allowed us to travel. They were truly our brothers in times of trouble. Governor Ipatas did not worry about his brother Agiru and his people and recently told people of Enga that they will change the name of the province to Hela Opone. Where were you when Governor Agiru and Hela people suffered in the hands of Nipa? Governor Agiru must give priority to Kandep and Laiagam and all people living along the way to the main highway. The last people must be the Ipili and Porgera.

I heard they built a bridge in three weeks to connect to Huli land. Please, we don't need settlements in Hela.
My message is not about being selfish but when you develop a resource in your province if there is one, try to share.  

Hela project will improve and replace all 40 bridges and the road itself along the highway.  Besides, the Simbus that come up with a claims for compensation must realize they will come and sell their goods to LNG project and the other consumers in Hela. You will bring and sell your garden produce along the highway so trade will flourish from Markham Valley to Aiyura to the rocky mountains of Chuave and Waghi.  There are both direct and indirect benefits to this project. 

"TK" Hare,
Doma Peaks

PNGIPA position already localized many years back

HONOURABLE Minister for Public Service, I am aware that the position of PNGIPA Director was localized many years ago. Are you aware that the non-citizen has got himself into local politics by accepting the appointment on the PNGIPA Director?

Mr Minister for Public Service, there is no need for another non-citizen to manage our premiere training institution for which they are not competent to manage. Such non citizen contract officers who get involved in the local politics should be deported without delay. If this appointment of non citizen to the position of the PNGIPA Director is not resolved quickly I may be interested to follow it up with relevant departments like the Foreign Affairs and the Labour and Industrial Relations.

We have enough qualified citizens including the incumbent Director Mr Yala Yatu to be appointed for the position. I can confidently advise Hon Minister that the incumbent Director Mr. Yala Yatu possesses the qualities of prudent management so why the change of leadership?

This change in leadership is causing uncertainty in the management of PNGIPA. Hon. Minister, I humbly request the immediate intervention of the National Executive Council (NEC) through your honorable office to restore certainty and continuity of the management of PNGIPA as soon as possible.

Port Moresby

Headless magisterial services

LAST August applications were received following advertisement of a vacancy in positions of Chief Magistrate and two deputies, one of which was for the proposed Land Court.

It is six months since the process commenced, and the nation is waiting for an announcement to come from the Judicial & Legal Services Commission (JLSC). Our moles in the Head Quarters of the Magisterial Services and the Secretariat of JLSC have revealed certain information that the public ought to know.

Sources within Waigani have it that already an appointment has been made in or about November 2009 from among the list received by the JLSC. If that should be the case, then it is taking too long for all to know who the new Chief Magistrate is, so that official business of office will be conducted assuring the public this important public office is in safe and capable hands.

Sources also indicated that certain disgruntled applicants for the top post have gone to higher courts to seek certain injunctive orders to restrain effecting of the appointment. Should such unfortunate act pertain, then it raises the question of who are the parties seeking redress in this unholy way and further, whether it is appropriate that such information of the said appointment by the appointing authority is made known to certain people without first being gazetted.

It is stressful that unsuccessful candidates to this coveted post, so vital to the operation of magistracy throughout PNG should challenge an appointing authority, especially by those who have served their term.

I request the minister responsible, Dr. Allan Marat to clarify whether an acting appointment has been made for this top post in the interim. Secondly, if a new appointment has been made, why has the gazettal taken so long.

In any case, if the vibes are not true in that JLSC has not deliberated on the appointment of Chief Magistrate, then those who filed in the higher court may be said to have "jumped the gun".

Mud Crab 3
Gerehu Swamp

Welcome, High Commissioner Kermish

PNG looks forward to welcoming the new Australian High Commissioner to PNG, Ian Ferguson Kemish, AM,who will assume his Port Moresby post next month.

Mr. Kemish will no doubt fit in well in his new appointment as having previously lived in PNG with his parents.  Mr. Kemish's knowledge of Tok Pisin and his previous diplomatic postings will certainly stand him in good stead in the Land of the Unexpected.

I also take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Australian High Commissioner to PNG, Mr. Chris Moraitis for a job very well done. Mr. Moraitis was a good Ambassador for Australia as during his tenure of service in PNG he did proactively initiated, and facilitated many Australian development initiatives. For that the people of PNG sincerely thank him, his family and the Australian government and people for their kind assistance and support.

I am confident the new Australian government's representative, Mr. Kemish will also take up his new job with great challenge, vigor and passion.

I wish Mr. Chris Moraitis and his family well for the future.

Reginald Renagi

Hope Hilary Clinton does visit

I was looking forward to the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's visit to PNG but because of the Haitian natural disaster she is heading there. What a great politician she is to be very responsive and proactive on behalf of her government. President Obama was right in making her his Secretary of State.
Let's hope Mrs. Hillary Clinton visits PNG next time when she plans to come down this way again hopefully sometimes this year. The women of PNG will also be waiting for her visit because they are hoping their plight and aspirations will be better conveyed to the US administration and the UN in other more representational forums, than back at home.

Reginald Renagi