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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Papua needs new political leaders

PAPUA needs new honest political leaders,  not the compromised bunch with the NA now. All Papuan MPs must now join forces with the New Guinea Islands and those few honest Highlands and Momase politicians to form a new group to challenge the current corrupt mob in Parliament.

This is why Papuans support Bougainvilleans in their quest and also want a new Papuan political order for the following reasons:
• The current political system is corrupt, unfair and has failed to live up to Papua's aspirations and expectations since independence;
• Papuans want fair distribution of its resources and equal opportunity in developing their region;
• The government and authorities have deliberately turned a blind eye to problems facing the local inhabitants of Port Moresby, Central and the other Papuan provinces;
• Massive and spreading non-Papuan squatter settlements on traditional lands in Port Moresby and Central province (and also other Papuan provinces):
  • Deliberate manipulation of the electoral system mainly by non-Papuan primitive people to put their crook members in the political and public service system;
  • Deliberate targeting and raping of Papuan womenfolk with impunity, even in broad daylight by people taking over the capital city;
  • These same groups of people are also committing most of the crimes in the city;
  • The markets in the city have become total exclusive zones by particular ethnic groups making it almost impossible for the local people and other Papuans to enjoy our rights to our land;
  • Population growth and movement into the capital city and Central Province by aggressive non-Papuans who now introduce their primitive cultural practices of tribal fights, pay-back killings, the ridiculous massive compensation demands and rapid spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that is now a direct threat to the peaceful and civilized nature of the Papuan society, and cultural practices.
PNG will never be a united country with these ethnic groups' presence and continuous destructive tribal activities so politics will also be corrupt now threatening future Papuan generations in their own land. The bottom-line now is a separate, peaceful and safe Papua society. Papuans must all stand up now and demand full autonomy like Bougainville now using any means available.

Papua Tauna Natuna

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