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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tiensten should be retained, Grand Chief

THE East New Britain NA branch has decided to appoint a new leader amid speculations within NGI NA block. While it is a matter that Tiensten has not provided leadership for the last two years I feel compelled to air my views to our grand Chief Somare.

I am not a relative or have anything to do with Mr Tiensten but you have young and educated elites in your team of Ministers whom you have groomed well and by now they know the Government system in this country. Mr. Tiensten has seven years experience and has full knowledge of the pros and cons of dealing with the ministry and the department he has managed.

I was once upon a time a manager appointed and first I did know most system structures in that organization but as time went on, I was fully versed on the effectiveness and efficiency in managing the system.

While it is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to listen to NGI block, please check the background facts to ascertain those claims. If he has broken the law, then simply refer him to the Ombudsman Commission or fraud squad.  If it is petty politics, then simply Grand Chief, what a father would do and bring them to a round table and reprimand them to fix the communication barrier that is in NGI.

We cannot afford to remove a guy who had done well in the last seven years and replace him with another guy who will take another seven years to learn to manage National Planning.

The Correctional Services Ministry should be given to Fidelis Semoso as his background qualifications relevant to that Ministry and sack Tony Aimo who is slack.

Hare Igini
Doma Peak, Hela  

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