Letters & Opinions

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ex-PNGDF servicemen's patience running thin

I am in total support of the letter of ex-Lieutenant Joe Bapi dated 31st January 2010 regarding the frustration that the ex servicemen of the PNGDF are facing at the moment about their outstanding court case battle and out of count settlements for their lousy entitlements.

It’s very frightening to see such letter from a frustrated young ex Lieutenant with combat experiences who have being witnessing the very slow and prolong process and procedures that our Court systems and Attorney Genera are taken in sorting their respective matter.

It is seen clearly here that the concerned ex-Servicemen have different groups pending court cases and out of court settlements. Some of their cases have being deliberated already and are subjected to pay out, some are held and some are awaiting the so called WAIGANI LANGUAGE or WAIGANI WAYS.

PNG must do something in regards to the call of the Ex-Servicemen. They said that the Government and its agencies/authorities have prolong their cases and a lot of their comrades in arms have died without serving the fruitation of their dreadful struggles and some are scared now that they might be next should the situation remains same.

One thing that scares me off is that the majorities of the ex-Servicemen now on the streets are young and can be dangerous to the Government of the day and the Nation at large. I can see and tell from my relations (Ex-Servicemen) attitude and habits have changed and are now regrouping daily to discuss their next cause of action.

The Government must now speed up and address their problem quickly. We have seen a lot of corruption in the Government circles regarding millions of kina that negative action is taken by the Government to solve and yet ignoring the PNGDF ex-servicemen’s case will definitely provoke the whole situation that surely will put the whole country into disaster. Please address our good loyal and honest ex-servicemen of the PNGDF quickly for the sake of the innocent people of this great Nation.

Luke Aisi

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