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Monday, February 15, 2010

PNG water should be processed in PNG

AN ARTICLE  written by Abbie Collaco which appeared in Sunday Chronicle on January 17, drew my attention. 

He highlighted the call by Mr Jei Wai, who called on the National Executive Council to reject the submission being processed by the Deputy Prime Minister, to allow an Australian company to pipe water from Lai River to Mendi  to Cairns Australia for processing.

Whether the submission has already been prepared or still in the process I am unable to ascertain. But the fact is I totally agree with Mr Jei Wai that PNG water should not be piped to Australia, but be processed here in Papua New Guinea.

Needless to say it will create jobs for Papua New Guineans, boost our exchange rate and value of PNG kina and bring a trail of other benefits to PNG.

Water, like land and human resource is the source of life and survival for the people of Hela and Papua New Guinea.

North Queensland has some beautiful rivers and streams capable to supply water to the inhabitants of Australia. I can understand if Australia is like Sahara desert, then surely the end justifies the means. For the pipeline to run parallel to the oil and gas lines would create suspicion about what is really being piped.
Technology is so complicated this at this day and age that anything can be camouflaged.

The only huge project that Australia established here in PNG is the Panguna Mine. The project unfortunately was short circuited due to reasons known to the landowners and the Australian company and PNG Government.

I suggest, the Government of PNG calls for tenders for a local company, and help find the company to set up a processing plant and produce water locally in PNG.

If the local company cannot secure funding then they can go into joint venture with the overseas company to process our water.

Eda Ranu is doing quite well in PNG or Port Moresby to be more specific. We have the best water in Port Moresby. One can drink straight from the tap.

There are many water sources in PNG that are still to be tapped. People drink straight from the stream and fountain so why pipe to Australia?

Water Lilly
Port Moresby

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